Georges Bernanos (1888-1948)
by Matthew Hoen, O.S.B.
"No-I'm not an 'author',"
declares Georges Bernanos. "Had I been a real one, I never
should have waited till I was forty before I published my first
book." It was in 19~6 that this book, Sous Le Soleil De
Satan appeared, bringing him sudden celebrity as a writer and
a psychologist. Several literary juries considered it for a prize,
but it failed to obtain a majority anywhere. The author was working
as an inspector for an insurance company at the time. "I
began to write," he says, "to try to escape from this
disgusting era."
His first prize came in December
1929 when he received the Prix Femina-La Vie Heureuse for La
Joie the sequel to L'lmposture. The Grand Prix du Roman of the
French Academy was given to him in 1936 for Le Journal d'un cure
de Campagne. This is perhaps his best known work; it has been
translated into five languages. Father C. C. Martindale, S.J.,
said of it: "This book, then, by a layman, has been as good
as a retreat for at least one priest. We hope it will be read
in America. But an effort will have to be made by the reader.
If he be comfortable, he must remember that the author who was
(we understand) brought up in no such comfortable circumstances,
sees vividly what we, from our padded chairs, can hardly imagine."
Bernanos was born in Paris
on February 20, 1888. He spent, however, the best days of his
childhood and youth in an old estate in the country belonging
to his father in the little village of Fressin (Pas de Calais),
in a countryside of great woods and pasture land, which he has
since made more or less the setting for nearly all the characters
of his novels. His family came originally from Spain, but long
ago struck root in several French provinces. He is profoundly
French and attached to all that is ancient and great in France.
His mother came from Berry. His teachers were the Jesuits at
Vaugirard College, where he was, by the way, a schoolmate of
General de Gaulle.
His other schools were the
Institut Catholique and the University of Paris. He received
a licentiate in law and licentiate in letters from the University
of Paris. In World War I he served as a corporal in the French
Cavalry, and received a chest wound. The Croix de Guerre is his
decoration. Married in 1917, the Bernanos have three sons and
three daughters; the eldest son went to England in 1941, serving
there in the Air Force; but he came back to Brazil very ill.
His second son left in 1942 and was in the navy on a submarine
chaser. His youngest son is only twelve years old (1947). His
wife's family Du Lys d'Arc claims kindred with Joan of Arc. This
saint is for the author a symbol of France. Bernanos is a Royalist,
and was "discovered" by Leon Daudet, the director of
L'Action Francaise.
In 1936 Bernanos was living
at Palma in the Balaeric Islands. His experiences of the Spanish
Revolution at this spot impelled him to write les Grandes Cimetieres
Sous la Lune (Diary of My Times). This fiery book provoked much
discussion inasmuch as he attacked the Catholics for favoring
Franco in the Spanish Civil War of 1937-1939. "The Spanish
experience," he writes, "is probably the principal
event of my life." In 1937 he returned to France, to Toulon,
where he fell ill. The next year he and his family moved first
to Paraguay and then to Brazil. They ren odelled a farm on the
rolling uplands of Minas Geraes province, "far from the
railroad and the highway with no other company than that of our
horses and cows." It was there he wrote Nous Autres Fran~cais
and Scandale de la Verite. When France capitulated Bernanos came
nearer to civilization. His little farm was quite solitary but
communication was more available. He became popular in the country
and a friend of Foreign Minister Aranha. In 1946 he returned
to France. He is a stout, heavyshouldered man with grey hair
and mustache. He walks with two canes, and limps badly from an
old motorcycle accident. An old cavalryman, he is happiest on
Bernanos is known for his electrifying
portrayal of evil, and the struggle of the soul with it. His
vivid picture of the devil makes his ideas incomprehensible to
much of the modern world. He once told an interviewer, "I
have seen the devil, as I see you, since my childhood."
He is a propagandist in his writings and says, "I humbly
endure the shame ot having so far only spattered with ink the
face of injustice, whose incessant outrages are my zest for life."
He writes, "If I wanted
to tell my friends in a few words the essential thing of which
my religious and moral education consisted, I should say that
I have been brought up with not only respect and love but also
with the most liberal understanding possible of the past of both
my country and my religion."
The author is grateful to his
pen for having enabled him to support his "numerous"
children in some comfort, but he finds writing hard work. "I
am no author. The sight alone of a blank sheet wearies my spirit,
and the sheer physical isolation imposed by such work is so.distasteful
to me that I avoid it as much as I can. I sit scribbling in cafes,
at the risk of being taken for a drunkard-and that no doubt is
what I should really be, if our mighty government did not burden
so ruthlessly with taxation the cup that cheers. I write at cafe
tables because I cannot long be deprived of the human face and
voice, which I have tried to render with dignity. Let clever
folk suppose that I sit 'observing' my fellow men. I observe
nothing. Observations never lead to much. I scribble in cafes,
just as I used to scribble in-railway carriages." He has
travelled far since the days when as an insurance inspector he
was forced to fit in his writing as he made his tours by train
from his modest home in Bar-le Duc. His railway scribblings,
however, rocketed him to fame.
Bernanos was able to write
regularly for the Brazilian press and for a few underground French
magazines. Time magazine in its October 14, 1946, issue states:
"Georges Bernanos is France's most distinguished Catholic
author-and his own Church's sharpest critic." In an interview
with the Most Reverend Edwin V. O'Hara, Bernanos explained his
severe attacks on Catholics as an attempt to awaken Catholics
to their responsibilities.
He is the author of: Sous le
Soleil de Satan (Star of Satan) (1926); Saint Dominique (1927);
L'lmposture (1927); La Joie (1928); Jeanne D'Arc (1929); La Grande
peur des Bien-Pensants (1932); Un Crime (a Crime) (1935); Journal
d'un Cure de Campagne (Diary of a Country Priest) (1936); Nouvelle
Histoire de Mouchette (1937); Les Grands Cimetieres sous la Lune
(Diary of My Times) (1938); Scandale de la Verite (1938); Nous
autres Francais (1939); Lettre aux Anglais (Letter to the English)
(1942); Monsieur Ouine (1943); Le Chemin de la Croix-des-Ames
(1943 and 1944), and The Open Mind (1945), translated by Geoffrey
Originally published in
St. Mary's Abbey's Catholic Authors, c. 1948.