Cyril Clemens (1902-1999)
I WAS BORN July 14, 1902,
in St. Louis, Missouri, where my great grandfather, James Clemens,
had arrived from Virginia about 1800. Reared an Episcopalian,
he had become a Catholic upon his marriage to Anne, the daughter
of John Mullanphy, behind whose bales of Europe-bound cotton
General Andrew Jackson's men had fought and won the battle of
New Orleans.
My father was James Ross Clemens
whose illness in London was the innocent cause of Mark Twain's
most famous saying, "The report of my death is greatly exaggerated."
For the newsmen had confused the two Clemenses and had Mark not
merely ill but actually dead! My mother, the daughter of John
L. Boland, for many years St. Louis' leading bookseller, has
written numerous articles and an autobiography, Gardens and
I early taught myself to read
and was soon enjoying such books as Swiss Family Robinson, Froissart's
Chronicles, Hakluyt's V oyages, and novels of Scott
and Cooper. A book that made an especial impression upon me was
Selma Lagerlof's Little Nils which presents such a matchless
picture of Sweden as seen through the eyes of the little dwarf
who travels on the back of a wild duck. This work introduced
me to the wealth and the glories of the Old World as no amount
of poringng over histories and geographies could have done.
And then David Copperfield!
My dear mother, who has a voice of "incomparable sweetness
and effect," read it to my sister and myself. This early
taught me that one's unhappy experiences can be transmuted, as
it were, into the gold of literature as witness David's
drudgery at Murdstone and Grimby's. The difficulties David had
in learning shorthand weighed not a little in deciding me against
the commercial course at preparatory school, I determined to
take all the literature classes possible. Copperfield, in fact,
was the fIrSt fiction hero I had encountered who didn't wind
up by becoming a dashing soldier, eloquent statesman, powerful
ruler, big business man, or sport champion but was content to
adopt the comparatively unexciting profession of writing. His
example undoubtedly played its part in directing me towards authorship-for
I grew very fond of David who, as we all know, was really young
I was ten before I started
to school at Barat Hall conducted by the Madames of the Sacred
Heart. I recall in particular one nun who possessed the unusual
pedagogical gift of making even prosaic rules of grammar somehow
fascinating. At thirteen I became a boarder at Canterbury School,
New Milford, Connecticut, established that same year of 1915
by.a Catholic layman, Nelson Hune, the elder brother of Cyril
Hume the novelist. The boys were encouraged to go on long hikes
and I got to know the hilly, rather rugged, stone-fenced country
exceedingly well. Walking has ever since remained my favorite
sport. I believe with Thomas Jefferson that of all exercises
walking is the best. There was a fine library through which we
were urged to browse at will. My parents donated to the school
Mark Twain's thirty odd volumes which I proceeded to read from
start to finish. Perhaps the book that made the most impression
on me was Twain's Joan of Arc. I remember that while reading
this I kept thinking how wonderful it would be if I could grow
up to write biographies myself and create between the covers
of a book a living, breathing personality such as Joan's. I began
to devour every biography within reach, including Roper's Thomas
More, Lockhart's Scott, Southey's Lord Nelson,
and Irving's Columbus.
After finishing at Canterbury,
I enrolled for the classical course at Georgetown University
where my father had studied in the mid-eighties. The University
is beautifully situated on the high bluffs overlooking the Potomac.
My dormitory was in the attic of an old red brick Colonial building
where the United States Congress had held its sessions when burnt
out of the Capitol at Washington during the War of 1812. All
the Jesuits were stimulating men of parts and nearly all had
a sense of humor. One in particular I recall who had a keen enthusiasm
for old Father Prout whose inimitable
Reliques was soon occupying my spare hours. At present
I am engaged on the first biography of the neglected Irishman
for which another enthusiast, Mr. Shane
Leslie, is writing the introduction.
Early in 1923 I helped to found
the first literary society in Georgetown's long history. It began
to meet each week for the discussion of books and authors. One
lad assigned to speak on George Meredith was slightly confused:
for he gave all his details on Owen Meredith, although he wound
up by saying, "Now, I have told you everything that one
should know about George Meredith whose masterpiece was Lucille!"
I hadn't been in Washington
long before I "discovered" the Library of Congress
to which I enjoyed walking the four or five miles that separated
it from the University - not infrequently I returned also on
foot. Being in the library made me feel infinitely rich: merely
by scribbling its name on a slip of paper and handing it in at
the huge circular desk, one could get within a few minutes any
book that had ever been published - if not the first edition,
then at least a reprint! The power of Aladdin's lamp was nothing
to it! I recall several pleasant chats with Theodore
Maynard during research for one of his colorful biographies.
I also got to know genial Chief Justice William Howard Taft whose
frequent quoting of Josh Billings led to my writing the humorist's
first biography, Josh Billings, Yankee Humorist, 1932.
Towards the end of my third
Georgetown year, a spell of illness necessitated my return to
St. Louis where in 1928 I obtained my A.B. degree from Washington
University, after specializing in American literature. I found
the English department still dominated by John Livingston Lowes
who had left there a few years before to begin his brilliant
career at Harvard. Lowes' Road to Xanadu proved extremely
stimulating and was reread several times.
I was then invited to go West
to gather Mark Twain lore. Just outside of Angels Camp, I found
Twain's old mining partner Bill Gillis who recounted so many
fascinating anecdotes that in 1930 I was able to bring out Gold
Rush Days with Mark Twain. At Angels Camp I also served as
judge for the Contest held annually to commemorate the Jumping
Frog of Calaveras County. Tens of thousands of people had
come from all sections of the country to witness the forty odd
frogs jump. Everything had been arranged with all the formality
of a horse race, and the excitement of the spectators proved
every bit as intense. In San Francisco I had numerous talks with
a most interesting old lady named Mrs. Mary Tingley Lawrence
who had known General William Walker the Nicaraguan fillibuster
and had assisted Bret Harte in the preparation of his first book.
I also discovered in his quiet retreat the prototype of Twain's
"Connecticut Yankee," James Marvin, whom I describe
in My Cousin Mark Twain, 1939. Then living peacefully
in San Francisco was Julian Hawthorne with colorful stories to
tell of his famous father, Thoreau, Emerson and the other New
England worthies. When I told him of my hope to devote my life
to literature, the eighty-year old man laid his hand upon my
shoulder and said, "Do so by all means
but realize that writing, as Emerson somewhere says, is about
the hardest work in the world. I have never once regretted embracing
it as my life profession. I like to reflect that even while I
sleep my biography of my father is being read and influencing
The spring of 1930 found me
going to Europe accompanied by my mother. On the steamer across
I amused myself writing sketches of the people I expected to
meet abroad. In Mark Twain and Mussolini, 1934, I described
them after meeting them in the flesh. I was invited to address
the Paris Rotary Club. After telling my best jokes for some minutes,
I sat down with every countenance serious. Then the translator
got busy, and I had the uncanny experience of seeing my audience
laugh some five minutes after I had told a humorous anecdote!
While in Paris I called on Rene Bazin,
Paul Bourget, Henri Bordeaux, Abbe Ernest
Dimnet, Andre Maurois. They one and all proved exceedingly
courteous and most encouraging to a young American interested
in writing. They had numerous questions about America regarding
which their ideas wcre sometimes erroneous.
When I began to address numerous
clubs in England on Mark Twain, I was pleasantly surprised to
fmd his humor even more keenly appreciated there than in America.
My travels soon taught me to disbelieve most of the easy generalizations
about various nationalities: the English manifested no slowness
seeing a joke nor were the Italians always eating spaghetti,
nor the Irish potatoes, nor the French frog-legs!
In the course of a pleasant
chat Hilaire Belloc suggested that
a useful and interesting biography of a man could be written
by presenting the opinions entertained about him by his contemporaries.
The idea appealed to me and I chose Chesterton.
Thereafter when visiting my English literary friends I usually
managed to ask them their opinion of the genial G. K. C. In 1939
I produced my Chesterton as Seen by his Contemporaries, of
which Mr. E. C. Bentley, the author of Trent's Last Case,
says in his introduction, "Mr. Clemens has assembled
a vast numbcr of other people's memories and appreciations which
show the attitude of Chesterton's contemporaries towards him
better than any individual critic could describe it."
The highlight of a summer-school
course at ancient Cambridge was several meetings with A. E. Housman
of Shropshire Lad fame which inspired my Evening with
A. E. Housman. I quote Padraic Colum's
foreword to this book because Boswell's Johnson has always
been one of my favorites a small edition of which I usually
have in my pocket: "As I read about A. E. Housman I had
a feeling that a new Boswell had come amongst us. For the author
has Boswell's power of bringing us into his hero's company; he
has Boswell's literalness, too. He records literally, too, one
is convinced, Housman's table-talk."
During my year of European
travels I had heard much of Shakespeare, Browning, and Dante
societies. Strolling on deck while returning to New York, I came
to the conclusion that America's best known author deserved a
society named in his honor. Upon my return to St. Louis I founded
the International Mark Twain Society among whose charter members
were Hilaire Belloc, G.
K. Chesterton, Alfred Noyes, Maurice Baring, Shane
Leslie, Rt. Rev. Ronald A. Knox,
Agnes Repplier, Rene
Bazin, Giovanni Papini. In 1936
the Mark Twain Quarterly was established with myself as
editor. When a distinguished membcr dies, a whole quarterly is
often devoted to his memory. This was done in the case of Chesterton
with many of his friends participating. Each memorial number
thus constitutes a unique biographic record invaluable for future
biographers. The Quarterly also enables our members to
know what their colleagues are doing, for at the start of the
war, we numbered some two thousand members-mostly men-of-letters
scattered throughout some thirty nations.
Late in 1942 appeared my Young
Sam Clemens dedicated to my little son Sammy Clemens whose
charming mother, a direct descendant of George Washington's adopted
daughter Nellie Custis, I married on October 18, 1933. This book
dealing with "Clemens before Twain" as the London Times
says in its review, is based on material obtained during
tramps through the regions associated with Mark Twain in Missouri,
California, and Nevada. Since so much had already been written
(Twain is almost as bad as Shakespeare in this respect) my endeavor
was always to present new material. The noted novelist,
August Derleth says in a recent review,
"The author has told the story of Young Sam in such a way
that it can be enjoyed by young and old alike. The story carries
through from Twain's days as a mischievous schoolboy to his beginning
authorship-the formative years out of which grew some of America's
greatest literary classics."
I hope to cover Mark's whole
life in a series of volumes based on fresh information.
Originally published by
Walter Romig in The Book of Catholic Authors Volume Three,
copyright 1945