Anna Kuhn
HAVE ALWAYS BEEN AN Omnivorous reader, that is a kind of preparation
for potential authors. However, one must have a strong urge to
say something himself and my particular urge came from an article
which I read in Fortune Magazine some two decades ago. I can
not even recall the title, but the theme was the Shrine of Lourdes
about which I knew nothing whatsoever. After reading the exciting
story of the tiny hamlet at the foot of the Pyrennes in southern
France where the Blessed Virgin appeared to Bernadette Soubirous
and where miraculous cures occurred each year, I studied everything
I could find in books, magazines or pamphlets. In fact, the theme
took such a hold on my imagination that the following summer
I sailed for Europe with Lourdes as my destination!
An unforgettable sojourn in
this hallowed spot as part of an English pilgrimage resulted
in a book for children entitled A Queen's Command (Bruce, 1940)
which narrates the story of the humble shepherdess, who, in 1934,
was enrolled in the canon of the saints and is known since as
St. Bernadette. Other juvenile books followed, but none ever
brought the tremendous inner satisfaction that came with the
publication of A Queen's Command!
Currently my creative work
has taken a new turn, and I am engaged in writing magazine articles
and book reviews in the hope of making the vast field of Catholic
literature better known and appreciated. However, the juvenile
books written some time ago continue to follow me with deliberate
and constant pace as clubs or schools ask for the author of The
Quest of Don Bosco (Bruce, 1942), Royal Banners Fly (id., 1946),
and other works to speak on juvenile writing.
Fan mail from children in the
course of a year, especially during Catholic Book Week, is always
gratifying. Recently I received a heart-warming letter from a
parochial school lad in the West telling me that he enjoyed The
Quest of Don Bosco, and that he hoped some day to be a priest
like Father John Bosco.
In my series of children's
books I wrote a short biographical sketch of Rose Hawthorne,
the daughter of the famous Concord (Massachusetts) writer of
the nineteenth century. Rose eventually established the first
free cancer clinic in the United States and became Mother Alphonsa
of the Dominican Sisters of St. Rose of Lima. This particular
story, included in Watching At My Gates (Bruce, 1948), has had
many interesting ramifications. Frequently I am asked to write
the story for some national magazine. Recently a Catholic visitor
to New England learned for the first time of this famous daughter
of the Puritan Nathaniel Hawthorne, called me on the telephone
and requested me to write the story for a magazine with which
he was associated. Calls also come for me to speak about Rose
and her magnificent work for the cancerous poor. Thus a tiny
acorn into a great oak grows; and once a subject has taken hold
of an author's imagination, it is astounding to realize in how
many different ways it can be presented to audiences.
Research work on Catholic subject
matter is always easy as there are such vast resources from which
to draw. Also as one writes of the heroes and heroines of Christendom
for youngsters, there is a glow of satisfaction and inner happiness
because one is cognizant of the fact that he is going to produce
a book with order and beauty inherent in the theme, and that
it will in some way be appealing and challenging to teen-agers
who may eventually read it. The human interest element in the
lives of the saints is often more dramatic than that which is
found in ordinary lives, and this feature of my writing I have
stressed in my books for children.
My early background and training
in public schools ( Somerville High, Somerville, Massachusetts
) as well as my college education (Tufts University, Medford,
Massachusetts) did not prepare me for my career as a writer for
Catholic readers. Although I did receive an excellent general
education, I cannot say that any course or any instructor ever
stimulated me to such an interest in the world about me that
my dormant potential for writing was drawn out. It was only when
eventually I was admitted to the Graduate School of Boston College
that the Jesuit Fathers in their quiet and scholarly way made
me aware of the truth and beauty of Christendom and gradually
taught me the discipline necessary for writing. It was about
this time that I received a degree of Master of Education in
English from Boston College that I read the article mentioned
at the beginning of this brief biographical sketch; and somehow
these two incidents are responsible for the auspicious and satisfying
career of writing which I have pursued in my leisure time.