Sigrid Undset
My father's family came from
Østerdalen. The first ancestor of ours of whom anything
at all was known was one Peder Halvorsen who, in 1730, lived
in Grytdalen in the Sollien valley of the river Atna where some
men from Østerdalen had been allowed to settle and farm
the land. My father's folk remained there until my grandfather,
Halvor Halvorsen, came to Trondhjem as a non-commissioned officer
and became warden of a workhouse. He took the name of Undset
from a hamlet in which my grandmother had lived when she became
a widow.
My father, Ingvald Martin Undset,
obtained his doctorate in 1881 with a thesis on The Beginnings
of the Iron Age in Northern Europe. In the same year he married
my mother, Charlotte Gyth of Kallundborg, whose family had, for
some obscure reason, settled in Denmark toward the end of the
eighteenth century. Since most of my father's life consisted
of travelling to almost every part of Europe, he set up a temporary
home at Kallundborg. It was there that, in 1882, I first saw
the light of day - the eldest of three sisters. In 1884 my father
moved to Norway to take up a post at the Museum of Antiquities
which was attached to the University of Christiania. I was sent
to a school run by Mrs. Ragna Nielsen because my father was already
aware that his days were numbered, and he was anxious for me
to acquire a good education and follow in his footsteps. Mrs.
Nielsen's school was co-educational and heavily committed to
progressive educational ideas. It played an important role in
shaping my character, inspiring me with an indelible distrust
of enthusiasm for such beliefs! It was not that I disliked Mrs.
Nielsen or suspected her of not being so noble-minded or attached
to her principles as she appeared to be. No, it was those very
principles which filled me with boundless scepticism; I knew
not why either then or for a long time afterwards. Many years
later I was to find some kind of an answer in the words uttered
by St. Augustine concerning the leader of the Donatists: «securus
judicat orbis terrarum». At the time, however, my only
reaction was to roll myself up into a tight ball of resistance
and it was thus, hedgehog-wise, that I went through my school
My father died in 1893 and
Mrs. Nielsen offered my mother free education for all of us three
children. Then when I was about fourteen, a memorable thing happened.
Mrs. Nielsen called me into an empty classroom and told me that
though she would keep her promise to my mother, «You, dear
Sigrid, show so little interest in the school and there are so
many children who would dearly love to be in your place and enjoy
a free education, that I am asking you now: are you sure you
want to take your entrance examimations?» «No, thank
you», was my reply. Mrs. Nielsen looked somewhat startled
but all she said was, «Very well then, you must now decide
about your future like a grown-up person». I am afraid
that my behaviour that day was more akin to that of a small animal!
Mrs. Nielsen was as good as her word where my sisters were concerned,
but this was one of the few decisions in my life I have never
My mother had no choice but
to send me to a commercial school in Christiania. I did not like
it there but it had one great advantage over my old school; no
one there expected me to like anything!
Later on, I went to work in
an office and learned among other lessons to do things I did
not care for, and to do them well. I remained there for ten years
- from the age of 17 until I was 27. Before I left this office,
two of my books had already been published - Fru Marte Oulie
in 1907, and Den lykkelige alder (The Happy Age) in 1908.
After leaving the office job, I went to Germany and Italy on
a scholarship.
I have published a number of
books since, my last two novels being set in the Middle Ages.
They are Kristin Lavransdatter, which appeared in three
volumes (192O-1922): Kransen (The Garland), Husfrue
(The Mistress of Husaby), Korset (The Cross); and
Olav Audunssøn i Hestviken (1925 ) [The Master
of Hestviken] and its sequel Olav Audunssen og hans børn
(1927) [Olav Audunssøn and his Children].
In 1912, I was married in Belgium
to the Norwegian painter A. C. Svarstad. I was received into
the Roman Catholic Church in 1924, and my marriage was then dissolved,
since my husband had earlier been married to a woman who is still
living. We have three children.
Since 1919, I have lived in